Friday, February 20, 2015

Blog post #2 | Size Acceptance

What a week it has been! I finally have a chance to sit down and do some blogging. I got some positive feedback on my first blog which was great. It also made me feel more confident in being able to write more on Size Acceptance and all the other topics and discussions I can't wait to get in to. It's definitely nice to know people relate, and I can express my feelings and not be judged.

Something was brought to my attention on this topic and it's not just overweight people that face struggles of size acceptance but in reality all sizes deal with it in some way shape or form. Whether you are to fat to thin to chubby to muscular and so on. There is always someone there to judge your appearance.  My question is, why? Why do people get so caught up in other peoples bodies? That's the biggest question most people have when they think of all the negativity behind body weight.

In response to another comment I received, sometimes people are thin for a good majority of their life then out of no where weight just seems to change and because of that they get put down. Health can be a huge reason for gaining weight and sometimes it's almost impossible to lose all of the extra you may have gained. More people need to understand that. We aren't sitting at home stuffing our faces with all this horrible food. It literally just happens.

For example, people with PCOS can go through a major weight change not because it's their fault and they also have a very hard time losing it no matter how they diet or work out. It's just easier for most people to judge rather than educate themselves on the realities of diseases or disorders.

I know for myself, I could and can do more to get my weight under control and I know I lack the motivation I know I make wrong choices but that doesn't mean I should be put down, or someone can't get to know me because I'm fat. This leads me to Size Acceptance events that has changed my way of thinking in many ways.
I did not know a such place even existed for a long time. It's a whole community based on over weight people that can just be themselves. No one is there to judge, and it doesn't even matter if you're average, small, fat, thin, in shape, you won't walk into a room and have everyone staring at you because you might look larger or smaller than the next person.

I used to think I am better off just staying locked up in my house, I don't need to deal with people in general. Which led to major depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. That's a topic for another day... But I missed out on so much, my 20's went by so fast and I did nothing. At 25 I started working again, which made me feel more social. As the years went on I grew more confident in my self, and when I was 30 decided to attend an event that showed me I am beautiful just the way I am. The new friends, opened my eyes to realize I can't let people or myself let my life pass me by. I may not be appealing to everyone's eyes and I don't need to be. Took me a long time to say that and mean it.

We are all humans, and no one was put on this earth to be a certain height, weight, color, hair color, eye color, we are all different for a reason. Never let anyone bring you down for any reason. Out there somewhere is so many people that feel or felt exactly like you, and me. We are not alone and shouldn't let lack of Size Acceptance be the reason we miss out on so many things.

Thanks for reading, I feel like a weight is being lifted off my shoulders even if I am only saying a little at a time.


  1. hi, i found this blog really interesting. but with me it is the exact opposite. i dont have any medical issues as such but i am just extremely skinny and no matter what i do i can never seem to put any weight on. i am long gangly and vaney. people are always making comments on how skinny i am. its almost like i cant win. but everyone is unique in their own way and you just have to keep telling yourself that. i have just started a blog about similar subject of life please check it out x

  2. this is so inspirational and so correct! why does anyone have the right to judge another person? I wrote a blog about labels against women and it was on the same sort of wavelength. No human deserves any different treatment from others and shouldn't receive it! xx

  3. Hey, I have nominated you for the Liebster Award for small bloggers who need more support because I love reading your posts! I'd love if you carried on with the posts by making one of your own. Sorry if this sounds spammy (I promise it's not), but you can get more info about the post & what to do at my post here. (I do love your blog) xx

  4. I love your blog, I think it's so true. People are just very unhappy with their image and it's all because people want to put their two cents in. I'm very happy for you that you found peace within self which is very important! Hope to read future posts from you!

  5. I have nominated you for the Libester award! To learn about this award go to my page
    I promise that this is not spam!!! It is an award for small bloggers!!
